Thanks for sharing this video. I downloaded it and I think it was around 5gb. I uploaded it to my Bitchute channel (I hope you don't mind) and that reduced the file size down to around 280mb which makes it easier to share, which I'm hoping some people will do (download and share or maybe re-upload to share on another platform or the same one, I don't care, I just want this truth out there and spreading). Here's the video link on my Bitchute channel: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qTbPEHy5YklK/ Thanks again!

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Great work Scott! Thank you!!

(It's also on my Bitchute channel (along with all the separate videos of each speaker): https://www.bitchute.com/video/3y7uWJoda8Fo/ )

Irony note: videos of several of the testimonies (Dr Robert Malone [inventor of mRNA tech.], Dr Jackie Stone [arrested for saving lives with Ivermectin], Dr Thomas Binder [incarcerated for 'Covid insanity' (Lol!)] and Dr Lynn Fynn) - immediately DELETED from YouTube upon upload.

My entire VIMEO account was deleted for uploading these videos.

To the Kovid Koolaid Kabal - this is DANGEROUS INFORMATION.

"I just want this truth out there and spreading" YESSS! Spread it!!

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Ok that's what I thought you'd probably say - spread it. Thank you. I'm always shocked and dismayed by how few people watch they amazing videos of all the truthtellers in our fringe movement. The masses are really so asleep. By the way, of course feel free to reupload any of my stuff too. I've got a lot of great videos. Take care and thanks again for your work.

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